Sunday, July 5, 2009

Growing Like a Weed

At 3 months old Tyson has literally grown before our eyes. My guess is he's about 14 lbs, but we won't know until he goes back to the doctor in August. The question that we get most often is, "Is he sleeping through the night yet?" Uhhh...NO! He's sleeping about 4 hours at a time, which is better than 2 hours. I know folks say you can give them a little cereal in their milk and it will fill them up enough where they won't wake up hungry. Well, I guess we haven't come to that point just yet. Ask me in another couple of weeks and I may have changed my mind.

He's already drooling nonstop and sticking him whole fist in his mouth. So, from what we've heard, he'll be teething soon. You wouldn't imagine some of the home remedies that people have shared with us to help relieve some of his forthcoming teething pain. Everything from hanging garlic over the nursery door to tying raw white potatoes around his neck. Don't laugh, seriously, that's what we've heard. If you have something that has worked for your little one, please post it so we can have a full arsenal of options to try.