Friday, December 25, 2009

2009: Its a Wrap

Its been two months since our last blog update and boy have we been busy. Tyson is growing before our eyes and is changing like the seasons. We enjoyed the fall season and spent a lot of time outside. Nick and I didn't enjoy the leaves as much as Tyson, considering we didn't realize our leaf blower had a VACUUM until we were almost about a workout!

For the month of October, I got crafty and made his Halloween costume. To Nick's demise, I made him the cutest little puppy. Daddy would have much rather he be a superhero, but we have plenty of time for that in the years to come. Year one is the only year you can get away with a puppy costume for a boy, and I took full advantage of it. Hey, what can I say? It turned out pretty good.
We were so looking forward to Tyson's first Christmas, and now it has come and gone. I didn't get all of my decorations/lights up, but I gave it a good try. It was enough work just trying to keep him from pulling the tree down on himself.

Tyson had a photo op with Santa, but didn't seem very interested at all. Seeing all the kids excited about the jolly ol' Saint got me thinking. Are we gonna carry on the imaginary tale of the red and white clothed Kringle? Or will we be "those" parents that explain that mommy and daddy work hard to put presents under the tree and give to those less fortunate. Ummm...I'm thinking the latter. We'll see how it goes though.

With 2009 coming to a close, there's no better time to reflect on the year passing. I like to have a theme going into every new year. 2009 has been the "year of modification" for the Jones family. We await with anticipation 2010 and every blessing that lies on the other side of January 1st. Our prayer is that God will richly bless all of our family and friends and continue to guide us in the way that He would have us go. Peace, blessings, and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Let me whip him for you...

Let me set the scene for you. Its Saturday afternoon and Nick and I are out at Opry Mills Mall looking for a romper for Tyson's costume. We happen into Children's Place and find the cutest button-down shirt and vest for holiday photos. As Tyson and I are waiting for Nick to make our purchase, a little boy walks up with his mom. While she has her back turned, perusing the racks, he turns to look at me and then the stroller with Tyson in it. I figure, its harmless, he's just curious. THEN....out of nowhere he looks down at Tyson and lets out a loud ROOOAAARRR!!!!
I said, "What the...!" This kid literally had his hands up in monster-like fashion, trying to scare my baby. Tyson didn't flinch, he just kinda looked at him like, "Who are you and why are you all up in my space?" Now, before you jump to conclusions, no, I didn't hit him. Although, if I'm being completely honest with you, my first instinct was to push him. He was maybe 4 or 5 years old. Isn't that old enough to know better...I don't know.
But anyway, his mom turns around and says, "NO, don't do that. You don't do that to our baby, why would you do it to someone else's? Now say you're sorry." He looks at her and then starts to whimper while burying his face in her thigh. I waited about three seconds for the apology, which didn't come, and then just politely walked off. Aren't cha proud of me???

Everyone that I have told this story is convinced that this little boy does, in fact, do this to his little brother or sister and the parents just don't know about it. I definitely believe that to be the case as well. Has your child ever just completely embarrassed you in public? Please share your horror story.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Quick Update

So its Sunday evening about 10:00..Tyson is tucked away..Nick is at the Titans game (they'll be 0-5 before I even finish this post)..and I should be in bed. I just had to send out a quick post since Tyson had his check up this week.

He is now 15lbs 6oz and 27 1/4 inches long. Doctor B said he is right on track developmentally and a little longer than average. Stage 2 foods are next up on the menu.

I've been supplementing with formula since my milk had all but come to a screeching halt. After calling the Lactation Center, getting a quick motivational speech about not giving up, and taking a trip to GNC for Fenugreek, I am reenergized about continuing my misadventure in nursing. I do know, when the time comes, I will miss our "special" bonding time together. There are absolutely no regrets.

I did say that this was a quick post right? Well here are a few pics of Tyson with his new activity center. He seems to really enjoy it. He's gonna love it even more once I go and purchase some batteries for it...LOL!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy 1/2 Birthday Tyson

Our little man has grown so quickly in the past six months. Now, I know for those of you that have younger children already, this isn't nearly as exciting, but for us and a handful of others, there have been several WOW moments.

At six months, Tyson can:

~rollover (off the bed, if we're not watching...OOPS!!)

~reach out his arms for you (if you're one of the chosen few)

~head-butt (like a WWE wrestler)

~eat pureed carrots, green beans, squash...occasionally it ends up in his mouth!!!

~sleep from 8pm to 6am and then some (God does answer prayers)

~laugh histerically when Nick "zerberts" his stomach (those of you that watched "The Cosby Show" know what I'm talking about)

His favorite things are taking strolls outside to get fresh air, watching Casper walk back and forth across the living room, and his Grandma CC.

What we haven't figured out yet, is why people still think he's a girl. No, seriously. One lady this weekend actually asked me if I was sure. WHAT??? I mean come on people, if he's dressed in blue and white with a bib on that say's Daddy's Boy, chances are, he's a boy. We've also heard, "He's too pretty to be a boy". WHAT ON EARTH does that mean? Nick is definitely starting to take it personally.

I'll tell you something else that's funny. Some of our "single" male friends/family members (who will remain nameless), bend over backwards to take Tyson around in public. Even going so far as wanting to push him around in the stroller. That "chick magnet" thing doesn't really work does it? Here he is giving his "come-get-me" look.

We'll be sure to provide more timely updates....until then.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

On the Road Again...

Tyson is 4 months old now and doing new things everyday. He smiles more now than ever, reaches out to touch/slap your face, drools nonstop and sleeps about 5 0r 6 hours at a time. I attribute the later to him finally being able to sleep on his stomach.

He has a checkup on Wednesday and we can't wait to see how much he's weighing in at. Lifting him in that carseat is no joke though. He's still exclusively on breastmilk, but I would imagine he'll be on cereal sometime this month. I'm not looking forward to changing those diapers...LOL!

Tyson finally had a chance to meet his auntie Mela (Nick's sister). We made a trip to Knoxville for a couple days to visit her. I'm sure he was just as excited to see her as she was to see him.

Now, I had heard that you have to practically pack the whole house when taking a baby on the road, but I totally underestimated it. I'm secretly glad Nick got the Tahoe because there is no way all our stuff would fit in the Malibu or the Kia for that matter. But, shhhh...don't tell him I said that. Tyson seemed to adjust nicely to sleeping in the playpen; once again, attributing that to sleeping on his stomach. I believe he'll like traveling and hotel stays just as much as his mommy.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Growing Like a Weed

At 3 months old Tyson has literally grown before our eyes. My guess is he's about 14 lbs, but we won't know until he goes back to the doctor in August. The question that we get most often is, "Is he sleeping through the night yet?" Uhhh...NO! He's sleeping about 4 hours at a time, which is better than 2 hours. I know folks say you can give them a little cereal in their milk and it will fill them up enough where they won't wake up hungry. Well, I guess we haven't come to that point just yet. Ask me in another couple of weeks and I may have changed my mind.

He's already drooling nonstop and sticking him whole fist in his mouth. So, from what we've heard, he'll be teething soon. You wouldn't imagine some of the home remedies that people have shared with us to help relieve some of his forthcoming teething pain. Everything from hanging garlic over the nursery door to tying raw white potatoes around his neck. Don't laugh, seriously, that's what we've heard. If you have something that has worked for your little one, please post it so we can have a full arsenal of options to try.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Family Affair

Nick and I are somewhat settling into parenthood as Tyson is quickly approaching 3 months old. I've been back at the office about two days a week and he's been my little sidekick, sleeping most of the day away of course. We've entered him into the 2009 Cutest Baby competition through The Tennessean newspaper. Voting starts on June 17th, so be on the lookout for an email from us to cast your vote.

He's sleeping alot better at night and even on the nights when he doesn't, I find myself getting less frustrated. We're going to start transitioning him into the nursery over the next couple of weeks. Up until this point he has been sleeping comfortably (most of the time) in the bassinet in our room. Hopefully the transition will be a smooth one.

We were in Huntsville this weekend to visit Nick's dad. This was his first time seeing Tysie-pooh. Of course I had to get a pic of the three generations of Jones men. When he's alot older, he'll definitely enjoy spending summers at Grandpa Joe's.

My dad was able to make it home for the Memorial Day holiday and had a chance to spend alot of overdue time with his only grandson. Lets just say he was beside himself. I think he secretly wishes that I was a!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

That's Momma's Baby

I hope everyone had an extra special Mother's Day. This being my first made it exceptionally special. Nick and I attended church with my mother and grandmother. Not surprisingly, Tyson slept through the entire service. With the exception of a couple hand raises, almost implying an Amen, he didn't make a move. I'm sure this Mother's Day will always be remembered.

The big question lately has been, who does Tysie-pooh look like. We don't have any of Nick's baby photos on hand, but I'll be sure to tell his dad to pull some out next time we're in Huntsville. In the meantime, I had the opportunity to pull out some of my old baby pics. One in particular bears a striking resemblance to Tyson. Of course the 1970's pink tint gives away who's who, but you be the judge.

I know...I know... every parent wants their child to look like them, or at least look like they belong to them. I don't know about you, but I think he looks like me hands down, at least when comparing our one month photos. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tyson's Firsts

Tomorrow our little Tyson will be 1 month old. Time sure flies when you're not sleeping. I've frequently found myself asking what today's date is. This past month has been filled with a lot of love from family and friends as well as a lot of FIRSTS for Tyson.
His first doctor's appointment came at one week old. It was a rainy Monday morning, so we had him bundled up, probably too!. It was different having to get someone else ready in the morning and get out of the house on time. That's something that will get better with time hopefully. As you can see by Nick's pic, its NEVER a bad time to take a nap...even if it is at the doctor's office...LOL!!

Nick and I gave him his first bath about a week ago and although we found delight in this special bonding time, Tyson wasn't too happy about it, to say the least.

We've had a host of visitors to come and greet Tyson. His first out of town guests came two weeks ago. My godson Jacob and my best friend Mindi came from Huntsville for the day to hang out with us. Jacob wasn't too intrigued by Tyson at first, but when we put him in his lap for a photo opp, Jacob looked like he was wondering why this "doll" was moving around.

I'm sure the next month will not be short on firsts, and Nick and I are looking forward to each and every one of them. Hopefully we won't be sleep and miss anything....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Week 2...In the books

Today, little Tyson turned 2 weeks old. As Nick and I assess the damage, it looks as though the bags under our eyes are the only battle scars we have to show. I tell ya...this sleep deprivation is serious business. Everyone has assured us that it will get better in the next couple of months...COUPLE OF MONTHS...WHAT??? Are you serious???

Nick heads back to work tomorrow and we're not looking forward to that. It has been great having the 3 of us at home together. Thank God my mother is on vacation this week. She'll be here to assist me during the day, until Nick gets home. And I can't say enough about my girlfriends from my dinner club, BTC. They actually set up a dinner train in which one of them brings us dinner every other night for two weeks. Talk about GOOD EATS. Thanks ladies. Today was the first day where I've actually had to cook. Nothing fancy though...spaghetti and meat sauce.

Well, its about 8pm and I need to take a power nap in preparation for tonight. Can't wait to see what this week in parenting brings. Whatever it is...I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Friday, April 3, 2009


It is with great pleasure and delight that Nick and I introduce to you, none other than, the one and only...TYSON ALEXANDER JONES. Weighing in at 7lbs 9oz, Master Tyson entered this world on Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 6:14pm. We are so overwhelmed with feelings of joy, excitement, anticipation, and SLEEPLESSNESS...LOL!!! Thank you all for the well wishes and helping hands. I have included some pics from his first couple of days.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Come On Down...

Today marks the start of Week 38. April 7th is fast approaching and we have actually gotten majority of our to-do list done. Nick has picked out Baby's first photo and "coming home" outfits. All we need to do now is pack our hospital bag. With the nursery being completed this past weekend, we're just waiting for our bundle to arrive. I've already found myself just sitting in the nursery relaxing. Mrs. Stephanie did a wonderful job.

Our weekly checkups continue this week and I hope to be a little further along than last week. We were only 1 cm dialated and 50% effaced. Honestly though, I feel like I need an epidural just for these checkups...thanks alot for the warning! Our induction date is already scheduled for April 15th, just in case he doesn't (like on The Price Is Right) "Come on down!!" We'll see what the good doc has to say on Wednesday and I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thank You

All I can say today is that Nick and I are completely humbled by all the love, support, prayers, and well wishes we received this weekend for the baby shower. The gifts were pretty fantastic too!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Extended Vacay

Its been a while since our last post and everything is well. For those of you that didn't know, our doctor did give us the go ahead to take our pre-baby getaway. She did say, however, after this trip, that's it. Well the funny thing is, as I'm typing this blog entry, we're stuck in New Orleans due to inclement weather. We were schedule to return to Nashville Sunday morning, but flights out of Atlanta were cancelled. So, here we are at the Radisson in New Orleans, waiting for our flight tonight. There were a ton of delays because of the snow, and one could only pray that tonight we'll be safe and sound in our own bed. Luckily I did purchase the trip insurance that will cover our extra expenses.

This week marks our 35th week and we are anxiously anticipating our son's arrival. For me, I'm really curious to see what he looks like. Nick's family has some distinctive traits, so I'm not counting on him looking like me. We still have some last minute things on our to-do list. Our next post should have photos from the shower and some family photos that Nick and I took a couple of weeks ago. See ya...

Monday, February 2, 2009

No N.O. for us

Its Week 31 and there is still so much to get done. Our last birthing class is tomorrow and we have a couple weeks break before the Infant CPR class begins. That's definitely a class in which we hope to learn everything we can about something we pray we never have to use. Our routine checkup is also tomorrow. After this visit we'll go in every two weeks for the next month and a half.

We were hoping to have a 3 day weekend getaway later this month. After much thought of a good-weather-this-time-of-year location, I booked us for New Orleans. Well, either I got my dates confused or just didn't think about how far along I'd be. I thought my doctor said no flying after 34 weeks, but to my surprise, and after calling the office, she apparently said 28 weeks. WHAT!!! Oh well, luckily I had sense enough to purchase the trip insurance. So, we'll see whether we'll have to give an arm, leg, or left kidney, to get our money back. If everything continues to go smoothly, we still plan on riding to Atlanta to see the Heat play the Hawks.

Plans to have the nursery completed are underway and March 1st is our deadline. I will say this though, Nick's to-do list actually has more completed than mine does. We're taking it a task at at time, but I'm sure we'll be calling for backup soon. So, when you see my number on your caller ID, you better pick up. LOL!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Labor of Love

Its been a couple of weeks since our last post and we have been so busy. Well...not really. Baby and I are doing well after catching yet another cold and being off work for almost the whole week. Of course there isn't a huge selection of meds that you can take once you're pregnant, so you just have to weather the storm.

We're going into week 29 (see pic below) and our To-Do list is getting longer by the day, which is causing me to get a little anxious. It hadn't occurred to Nick and I that Baby could come early....what then? We've been kind of coasting along thinking we have 3 whole months left. We may want to actually start some form of preparation for our little bundle, starting with deciding on a name. We'll get on it this week....I promise.
We also started birthing class two weeks ago. Lets just say, I thought this "Labor of Love" class was supposed to put your mind at ease at least somewhat, not scare the crap out of you. We've watched the infamous "live birth" video (which I believe is the same video I watched in my 7th grade Sex Ed class), practiced breathing techniques, visited the nursery, and walked through the various steps of labor. I will admit, the best part is that there is no shortfall of snacks provided and the spouses have to give you massages...who wouldn't love that???

Please keep us in your prayers as we get closer to the arrival of our little man. 29 Weeks and counting...